Cargo Management System

Cargo Management System – codeshoppy Cargo Manager requires user entry of container and product dimensions, together with information on weight and orientation constraints. In-built database facilities for up to 50 containers and products are provided so that input into these screens can be carried out with minimal effort. If information for a particular product codeContinue reading “Cargo Management System”

RF power measuring tool for Android OS platform

RF power measuring tool forAndroid OS platform Smartphones and 3G tablets are becoming a major platform for execution of Internet services as more powerful and less expensive devices are becoming available. From this perspective, a large number of mobile applications are becoming available for end users and corporates [1]. In comparison with home users, corporatesContinue reading “RF power measuring tool for Android OS platform”

Iot Based Smart Supermarket

Iot Based Smart Supermarket Proposed work depicts the working of the RFID detection system attached to trolleys. Android application for online processing and cash payment is developed. Which is presented in this section. The proposed system is as shown in figure 3.1. This IOT based Trolley has the application such as Automatic billing at shoppingContinue reading “Iot Based Smart Supermarket”

Exam Paper Generator Application

Exam Paper Generator Application Due to the growing field of education, conducting exams and preparing appropriate papers for the same is proving difficult, inefficient, time consuming and a redundant job for the instructor. Therefore, many applications, software and databases have immerged to combat the situation. Our team has looked into such various applications beforehand, theyContinue reading “Exam Paper Generator Application”

An Active Android Application Repacking Detection Approach

An Active Android Application Repacking Detection Approach student placement system android app source code Repackaging applications as the main carrier of Android malware have caused huge losses to users. In addition, the third-party application market that Android applications rely on is characterized by missing audits and lax supervision, which further encourages the distribution of repackagedContinue reading “An Active Android Application Repacking Detection Approach”

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